Welcome to FRHT - incorporating Ferryhill Men's Shed.

Latest News

Opening Times, throughout the year:

Tuesday: 10:00 To 15:00

Thursday: 10:00 To 15:00

Sunday: 10:00 To 15:00


Group Visits can be made by arrangement. Please phone 01224 593528 or mobile 07517 273073.


We are pleased to announce that the Trust has reached its target of £265,000 for the restoration of the

former Railway Office Building and Water Tower.









You can join/renew your membership using the link below

You are invited to donate to this Trust via the link below

TotalGiving Button

For up to the minute information about the trust's activities please see our Facebook page FerryhillRHT and our Instagram at ferryhillrail

We Are Pleased to share our current Timetable for our visiting Steam Locomotives for 2024, Please keep

an eye out on our social media for more updates to this!


Thursday 18th April
The Great Britain XVI Tour — LMS 44871 + 45407 “The Lancashire Fusilier”


Thursday 18th July
The Aberdonian — 60163 Tornado CANCELLED

Thursday 25th July
The Aberdonian — 60163 Tornado CANCELLED

Saturday 27th July
The Aberdonian — 60163 Tornado CANCELLED


Thursday 5th September
The Aberdonian — 60163 Tornado CANCELLED

Saturday 7th September
The Clyde Aberdonian — 60163 Tornado

Thursday 12th September
The Aberdonian — 60163 Tornado

Saturday 14th September
The Aberdonian — 60163 Tornado


No Booking will be required, Times and more information will be posted on the facebook page closer to

the planned visits.

The Ferryhill Railway Heritage Trust was established in 2007 to take over the remaining building and turntable of the former Ferryhill locomotive depot, restore it and transform the site into a working railway heritage site for the North East of Scotland. In this endeavour, the Ferryhill Railway Heritage Trust has had widespread support.

The original Trustees of the Ferryhill Railway Heritage Trust were nominated by the Royal Deeside Railway Preservation Society, the Deeside Railway Company, the Bon Accord Locomotive Society, and the Aberdeen Model Railway Club, demonstrating the commitment of these societies to the success of the FRHT.

The Ferryhill Railway Heritage Trust is keen to support direct participation in its activities. Becoming a member of the Ferryhill Railway Trust creates that opportunity. Please contact the Membership Secretary for more information..

The Trust

The Ferryhill Railway Heritage Trust was formed in 2007 and granted Scottish Charity status on 14th November 2008 and agreement was reached with Aberdeen City Council for the trust to take over the 1850 Engine shed.

Recent changes to Charity Law has allowed the Trust to move from being an unincorporated charity to a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, SCIO, regulated by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, OSCR. Our charity number is SC 040039.
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The locomotive and station photographs have been donated from several private collections and individuals, which we thank, firstly allowing us to use the photographs and secondly for preserving the history of Aberdeen station (none of Ferryhill station exist, unless you know different) and of Ferryhill MPD from its steam days to its diesel days and to its closure.

The loco photographs range from the humble dock engines right through to the main line express locos and also give a small insight to the life and visitors to Ferryhill through the years. Enjoy.
Video Galleries

Members of FRHT

By becoming a Member of the FRHT you are helping to re-create and preserve some of Aberdeen’s railway heritage.
As a member of the Trust you will be kept up to date with all future developments via a regular newsletter, join the working groups to help with the on-going restoration projects and to have the opportunity to become involved as a volunteer member of staff to help run the visitor centre when it opens.

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  • Phone: 01224-593528

  • Address:
  • FRHT
  • Polmuir Avenue.
  • Aberdeen AB11 7WH